- thursday is here
- thursday is party day
- thursday is bad
- thursday is achy
- thursday is the fifth day of the week
- thursday is the lord's day too
- thursday is tech day
- thursday is the best day of the week
- thursday is a big day
- thursday is open to anyone
- thursday is one of the most looked forward to events at college royal for students
- thursday is called maundy thursday from the old latin name for the day
- thursday is a short day
- thursday is dedicated exclusively to the passover supper which christ celebrated with his twelve apostles
- thursday is the new friday
Eso dice googlism sobre los jueves, yo digo que son muy aburridos. Por eso cada jueves voy a subir un track, remix o colaboración de Pepepe o algún seudónimo (Pesina Siller, Los Amparito)
por acá:
El primero es un remix de una colaboración entre el vocalista de Bosque Discoteca y Collateral Sountrack que pronto estará descargable en www.geekcore.tk
Collateral Soundtrack feat. Gilbert Grape - Martes (Pepepe Remix)
foto: édgar mt
2 comentarios:
está bien chingona esta rola!!
Tsss, te luciste *_*
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