miércoles, julio 22

J A N DURINA [photographer]:: Sexy Hells

Thanks to a dear friend Filip Misék from KHOIBA I was introduced to this 20 year old photographer from Slovakia. I don't consider my words could make a fair truth to his work, but personally the sensation I get are shivers down my spine combined with a wide devlish smile that could fade into an unappropiate fantasy.
For ISN, JAN took a little time to let us know where he comes from and the incline represented in his work:::

"I'm a student of Department of Visual Arts and Intermedia on Faculty of Arts (Kosice, Slovakia).
I mostly work with photography and new media, poetry and sound.
Human behaviour is my biggest inspiration. I like incorporation of words and vision, gentleness and vulgarity, angels and demons, neatness and grime, silence and annoying sounds.

With nothing else to add... let your sight decide if life is a bizarre heaven or if life is just our little hellish playground.....


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